My Blog

This is my little blog of my little life in my little house in New York's Hudson Valley.

Thanks for following...
Questo e' il mio piccolo blog della mia piccola vita nella mia piccola casa nella Hudson Valley dello Stato di New York.
Grazie per seguirmi, vi abbraccio tutte.
NOTA: Mi scusi il mio italiano, non parlo bene, ma io imparo e provo. Per favore, correggimi.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Max in snow
Hi... does anyone remember me????
Well, I am working full-time now at the Vision Center, so I am so busy!!!!
This is the first time I have worked full time in 13 years!
I just haven't had time for blogging....
It is winter here again in New York !!!!
I will try to keep up with the blog more.
Greetings to all my blogging friends....
Ciao ... qualcuno ricorda di me????

Beh, sto lavorando a"full time" al "Vision Center", così io sono così occupato!!

Questa è la prima volta che ho lavorato a "full time" in 13 anni!

E 'inverno qui di nuovo a New York!!

Cioa a tutti i miei amici di blog ...
Mi scusi il mio italiano....non parlo spesso.


  1. sei bravissima in italiano ! il tuo cane è simpaticissimo!

  2. CIaooooooLorena,io mi ricordo di te,mi ricordo di una delle mie prime followers tre anni fa!Sono felice di risentirti!Bacioni!Rosetta

  3. Lorraine cara, ciaoooooooo !!!!!!!
    Anch'io mi ricordo di te, non posso dimenticarti !
    Sono stata lontana dal web per tanto tempo, sono tornata da poco...
    ...per questo ti faccio adesso tanti auguri per il tuo 50° compleanno (sei bellissima) !

    Un grande abbraccio,
    e tante carezze al tuo meraviglioso Max ^-^ !!!

  4. Dearest Lorraine,
    So glad to find your comment on my blog! You have probably missed the post about our home after we put the new aluminum roof in aged copper on and had the exterior painted too. You can find it here: {Our Home with Aluminum Interlock Roofing and Benjamin Moore Golden Mist Exterior}

    Read more:
    We had such a rough year, twice we got water in our basement and for that my husband did so many back breaking projects for water control. Will post more the coming weeks.
    So glad you got a good job and don't worry about your blog. Family and work is most important. Your Max looks cute in the snow. Stay warm and cozy and best wishes!

  5. There you are! I thought you were gone for good! Glad to see you've posted. I can't imagine how busy working full time would be. You just have to take care of yourself and your family. As you know, my daughter and her family live in Niskayuna and we went up the middle of Dec. to have Christmas with our grandbabies and it was snowing. We loved it too. We had stayed 3 days in The City and enjoyed Christmasing there and the shop windows and the food and the sights! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I'm back! You're right! It was the Classic IV who sang 'Stormy". I loved those old songs and still do.
    Keep being sweet,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Dearest Lorraine,
    Welcome Back, my friend. I DO hope you are doing fine and bearing with your cold weather.
    Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. hi lorraine! nice to 'meet' you! thanks for stopping in today. love your pup in the snow. :)

  9. Ciao Lorraine, felice di ritrovarti!
    Buon lavoro!
    Un abbraccio grande

  10. Hi Lorraine, I came by to see your little gray poodle! What a cutie. Sue and Henry

  11. Hi Lorraine! It's nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  12. Si cara Lorraine, il mio coniglietto Merlino purtroppo è morto lo scorso anno, e mi manca tanto!!

  13. ciaoooo mi sei mancata !!
    grazie per essere passata da me , ti abbraccio forte forte

  14. Thank You for visiting my blog this week. I went back and was reading some of your old post. Happy belated birthday. Sorry that a number depressed you, it is just a number. It is all about how well you are. You have a lovely family and cutie puptootie dogs. Since I am mainly a dog blogger I would notice the dogs.
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. These doggie posts have warmed my heart today. I needed them!
