My Blog

This is my little blog of my little life in my little house in New York's Hudson Valley.

Thanks for following...
Questo e' il mio piccolo blog della mia piccola vita nella mia piccola casa nella Hudson Valley dello Stato di New York.
Grazie per seguirmi, vi abbraccio tutte.
NOTA: Mi scusi il mio italiano, non parlo bene, ma io imparo e provo. Per favore, correggimi.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dog and Motorcycle

I was in Florida over the weekend for my nephew's wedding.... which was beautiful...
While we were at a gas station a motorcycle rider pulled up with his dog riding "sidekick".....
the dog looked like he was having a blast....
when the rider took off he put goggles on the dog, but I didn't get a pic of that.

Stavo  in Florida il weekend scorso per il matrimonio di mio nipote ....
che era bellissimo ...
In un 'gas station"  un motociclista tirò su con il suo cane in sella "sidekick" .....
il cane sembrava che stava molto content,
Quando il suo padrone è ripartito ha messo gli occhiali al cane, ma non ho una foto da mostrarvi.


  1. Ciao Lorraine ^-^ !
    Che bello, quando i proprietari di animali li portano insieme a loro ovunque vanno!
    Spero di aver capito bene, e cioè che il suo padrone gli mette una protezione per gli occhi durante il viaggio...

    Un bacio !

  2. Scusa, ho dimenticato di correggerti... frase finale giusta è:
    "quando il suo padrone è ripartito ha messo gli occhiali al cane, ma non ho una foto da mostrarvi" ^-^ !

    Ciao, a presto!

  3. Hi Lorraine! Oh, what a cute sight! I'll bet that dog was a cutie pie in his goggles! Now I love your spunk and thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Ciao,Lorraine!Che simpatica questa foto!Baci,Rosetta

  5. Dearest Lorraine,
    Wish you could have been able to snatch one with the goggles on as well. Hilarious in a way and a lot of those canines behave like half human! Hope he/she got kind of secured into the seat.

  6. Oh goodness Lorraine, that dog looks like me right now, lol! What fab shot, amazing and hilarious too! Thanks for your sweet visit. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Dearest Lorraine;
    OMG; what a sweet and cute post♡♡♡ We can SEE his/her disappointment from your pictures :-) Yes, I also wish you could have a chance to take pics the dog with goggles on p;) Congratulations for your nephew's marriage, my friend♪♪♪

    So sorry that I must have missed to in my dushboard.
    Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Hello dear Lorraine,
    I'm sorry for the delay ... I have come to explain to you today because I was so sad ...
    ... a friend of mine had wanted to interrupt our friendship without explaining why, and I was very ill ...
    ... but just now came back and apologized, and now everything is fine ... I'm happy!

    We hug,
    Thank you for your interest in me ...
    you are so sweet ...!

    Kisses, see you soon!
