My Blog

This is my little blog of my little life in my little house in New York's Hudson Valley.

Thanks for following...
Questo e' il mio piccolo blog della mia piccola vita nella mia piccola casa nella Hudson Valley dello Stato di New York.
Grazie per seguirmi, vi abbraccio tutte.
NOTA: Mi scusi il mio italiano, non parlo bene, ma io imparo e provo. Per favore, correggimi.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Post Spring Grooming Session....

Poor Max and Sophie are slightly traumatized after their grooming session.....

Povoro Max e Sophie dopo "grooming"...
[no lo so dirlo in italiano ???]


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Little Birdie.... L' Uccellino

The other morning I was drinking my morning coffee, and this poor little bird flew right into the window!
L'altra mattina, un uccellino volò nella finestra !
The bird was stunned.
I went on the deck and picked the poor thing up.
L' uccellino in mano...

 I held it for about 5 minutes, then it started to move and get restless, so I put it down.

Dopo 5 minuti gli ho messo giu'...

 Then after another 5 minutes it flew away.

Allora, dopo 5 minuti  volo' via.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014