My Blog

This is my little blog of my little life in my little house in New York's Hudson Valley.

Thanks for following...
Questo e' il mio piccolo blog della mia piccola vita nella mia piccola casa nella Hudson Valley dello Stato di New York.
Grazie per seguirmi, vi abbraccio tutte.
NOTA: Mi scusi il mio italiano, non parlo bene, ma io imparo e provo. Per favore, correggimi.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Post Spring Grooming Session....

Poor Max and Sophie are slightly traumatized after their grooming session.....

Povoro Max e Sophie dopo "grooming"...
[no lo so dirlo in italiano ???]



  1. Dearest Lorraine;
    Oh, I can see they are refreshed and look cute♡♡♡ But hard for them to bear the long time? Hope they were good doggies :-)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Ciao Lorraine cara !
    Oh che dolci, Max e Sophie ^-^ !!!
    Sembrano nudi, poverini ^-^ !!!
    In italiano si dice così:
    "poveri Max e Sophie dopo la toelettatura" !

    Un bacione !

  3. che piccini e che teneroni !

  4. Aw, poor little babies! Give them lots of treats to soften them up a bit!

  5. Well hon...if it's still cold where you live, than the poor babies must be cold with all that grooming, lol! Yes, I guess treats are the only thing you can do to bring them back! They're so cute!

  6. Well, look at those poor little pitiful faces! :) They are cute but I agree with Fabby, maybe their little bums are cold!
    Thanks for popping in to see me and you're always a sweetie,

  7. Why the groomer took almost all your furs. But I bet you smell nice. Lee does my grooming. Why when our groomer got to $60 Lee said we could spend that money on necessities and Lee got a nice pair of trimmers and went to the vocational school and took one course. It cost her $135 for all and now she saves money.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Sweet William The Scot

  8. Ciao! Sono stupendi! Tante carezze a loro e tantissimi auguri a te di Buona Pasqua! Baci

  9. Dearest Lorraine,
    Happy 15th wedding anniversary to both of you!
    Hugs and wishing you a special day.

  10. Dearest Lorraine,
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Sending you hugs and love,

  11. Dearest Lorraine,
    Thinking about you today...
    Hugs and wishing you a Happy New Year!
