My Blog

This is my little blog of my little life in my little house in New York's Hudson Valley.

Thanks for following...
Questo e' il mio piccolo blog della mia piccola vita nella mia piccola casa nella Hudson Valley dello Stato di New York.
Grazie per seguirmi, vi abbraccio tutte.
NOTA: Mi scusi il mio italiano, non parlo bene, ma io imparo e provo. Per favore, correggimi.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Post Spring Grooming Session....

Poor Max and Sophie are slightly traumatized after their grooming session.....

Povoro Max e Sophie dopo "grooming"...
[no lo so dirlo in italiano ???]


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Little Birdie.... L' Uccellino

The other morning I was drinking my morning coffee, and this poor little bird flew right into the window!
L'altra mattina, un uccellino volò nella finestra !
The bird was stunned.
I went on the deck and picked the poor thing up.
L' uccellino in mano...

 I held it for about 5 minutes, then it started to move and get restless, so I put it down.

Dopo 5 minuti gli ho messo giu'...

 Then after another 5 minutes it flew away.

Allora, dopo 5 minuti  volo' via.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Flowers from last summer..... I fiori dalla scorsa estate....

We are having such a cold winter here in New York, I am remembering my beautiful flowers from last summer.
Fa tanto freddo qui a New York, allora, mi ricordo i miei bellissimi fiori dalla scorsa estate...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Winter ... L'inverno

Birdie breakfast time....
Fluffy Sophie...
Fluffy Max...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sophie in the snow

Sophie in the snow on the back deck !
Sophie nella neve !

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dog and Motorcycle

I was in Florida over the weekend for my nephew's wedding.... which was beautiful...
While we were at a gas station a motorcycle rider pulled up with his dog riding "sidekick".....
the dog looked like he was having a blast....
when the rider took off he put goggles on the dog, but I didn't get a pic of that.

Stavo  in Florida il weekend scorso per il matrimonio di mio nipote ....
che era bellissimo ...
In un 'gas station"  un motociclista tirò su con il suo cane in sella "sidekick" .....
il cane sembrava che stava molto content,
Quando il suo padrone è ripartito ha messo gli occhiali al cane, ma non ho una foto da mostrarvi.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Max in snow
Hi... does anyone remember me????
Well, I am working full-time now at the Vision Center, so I am so busy!!!!
This is the first time I have worked full time in 13 years!
I just haven't had time for blogging....
It is winter here again in New York !!!!
I will try to keep up with the blog more.
Greetings to all my blogging friends....
Ciao ... qualcuno ricorda di me????

Beh, sto lavorando a"full time" al "Vision Center", così io sono così occupato!!

Questa è la prima volta che ho lavorato a "full time" in 13 anni!

E 'inverno qui di nuovo a New York!!

Cioa a tutti i miei amici di blog ...
Mi scusi il mio italiano....non parlo spesso.